We designed and developed Infrastructure NSW's new website, which includes a bespoke project timeline with PDF export, and heaps of flexible CMS content modules.



Flexible design

Infrastructure NSW's website is built using a collection of over 25 unique modules; from timelines and accordions, to image carousels and tiled listings.

Each module can be customised by CMS editors to set the colour, spacing, and entrance animation - all whilst remaining on-brand and looking great!

This, combined with several preset layout options, allow for heaps of flexibility when building out new pages. Once setup, a CMS editor can create thousands of new page layout combinations, without the need for further custom development.



Pipeline of projects

Project timeline

We custom built a robust project timeline which is all configurable from within the Umbraco CMS. Projects can be bulk updated, configured by CMS editors, and features a live-PDF generation tool to export the timeline as a PDF for safe keeping.

Interactive Image Hospots

Sometimes an image doesn't speak a thousand words. So we designed and developed a custom image hotspot module where icons can be clicked to reveal additional information, which INSW can populate and edit using a simple interface in Umbraco.

The module is completely custom built to the client's exact requirements, and the content and colours are completely customisable. 

2D image hotspot laptop




Powerful, yet simple, CMS

We expanded on Umbraco CMS' 'uSkinned' site builder to offer a flexible yet simple editing experience. With this approach, it's so simple to update that often no training is required for a new editor to jump in and start creating pages!

Editors can configure the navigation, SEO, page layout, styling, scripts and animations - all from within the CMS. No further development required to configure new pages.

Contact us if you would like a demo of our Umbraco uSkinned offering.



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