Website Hosting

Our Azure hosting is used by Australia's largest companies as well as Government departments
We manage all your hosting needs on our Microsoft Azure data centre located in Sydney or ask about our hosting assistance services wherever you choose to host. We specialise in hosting Microsoft ASP.Net websites with a focus on CMSs such as Kentico Xperience and Umbraco.
CMS hosting our specialty
Having developed hundreds of websites on Kentico and Umbraco we are experts in getting your site to fly. Part of the optimisation process includes tuning the infrastructure your site sits on. Leave your CMS hosting to us and you can rest assured your site in being well looked after.
Not all web hosting is the same.
Performance is critical to your website for:
- Optimal user experience
- Lower bounce rates
- Audiences in remote locations
Platform As A Service (PAAS)
Webcoda provides hosting on the Microsoft Azure platform in their Sydney Data Centre using the PAAS architecture.
Our standard server configuration is the Azure plan P2V3 but on a dedicated environment this can be tailored.
Why PAAS and not Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS)?
Traditionally most websites have been hosted in IAAS which is just a confusing way of saying your virtual server runs on an ISPs servers. With PAAS, there is no traditional server but a set of tools provided by Microsoft to manage your site which are continuously being improved and expanded. The improvements are so regular you can almost see an improvement each time you log in.
With PAAS, all patching is handled my Microsoft in the background, so your hosting environment is always up to date. Note that patching of your site / CMS is handled by Webcoda and is not part of PAAS.
Use the new Security Centre tool to insure your environment meets security compliance standards.
Shared or dedicated
Webcoda offer 2 PAAS options, both of which have the same configuration except one is shared and the other is dedicated. Our Shared PAAS hosts approximately 40 sites with monitoring to make sure no site impacts any other.
While dedicated PAAS hosting completely removes any possibility of your site being impacted by other sites on the same instance, shared hosting offers the same level of security but at a lower price point.
Back Ups
Your database is backed up in real time to provide a PITR (point in time restore) for any point within the last seven days.
Additional weekly, monthly and yearly backups can be configured
WebApps are backed up daily with 7 days retention.
Website monitoring
We monitor your sites 24x7 to insure nothing goes wrong.
Website availability monitoring
Web application monitoring
Email reports
SMS alerts for up to 2 contacts in the company
SMS alert when site is down
Email alert when site is down and when site is recovered
Monthly summary report
DDOS protection with Cloudflare
Benefits of using Cloudflare include protection from DDOS (Distributed Denial of service) attacks as well as increased performance using Cloudflare’s caching.
We will set your site up on the free Cloudflare account. You can upgrade your plan on request also.