Saluda Medical
For a company that specialises in treating chronic pain, the least we could do was produce a pain-free user experience for their new SharePoint Intranet.

'Intranet' is not a dirty word
Many employees initially spoke negatively of SharePoint intranets due to battle-scars picked up from past experiences with the technology.
However, now they re using a bespoke tailored solution that meets their specific needs, they are nothing but extremely positive when recommending the intranet to colleagues.

No place like home
After several UX workshops and meetings with Saluda employees, we designed the perfect intranet to suit their needs. The intranet is a blend of core Sharepoint functionality, combined with bespoke webparts offering solutions unique to Saluda.
The homepage ensures their employees always have their cursor on the pulse, surfacing news, announcements, quick links, apps, and social - all in one place.
Knowledge is power
Most intranets become a dumping ground for information after a while. Give it a few years and you're left with a jumble of files dotted all over the place, making it impossible to find anything!
We configured a knowledge hub to offer a single source of truth for all of Saluda's documents and resources. The robust filtering, search and sort options allow users to quickly find the information they need.

The Webcoda SP Knowledge Hub
Our SharePoint intranet knowledge hub offers customisable layouts for articles, easy content updates, and seamless integration with other tools via pre-built webparts.
The Result
Implementing a SharePoint intranet revolutionised internal communication and collaboration.
It centralised resources, boosted productivity, and connected the workplace. Employees easily access shared documents and updates, cutting search time and boosting efficiency.T